Jun 17, 2008 22:47
It's been a rough month or so, but especially the last three weeks. Three things happened. First, we had to spend several thousand dollars (that we didn't have) on a new A/C system for the little house. Second, the sweetest of my kitties almost died last week. He's home now and doing better...still not completely out of the woods, but alive. Eating, drinking, and pissing after horrible urinary tract issues that put him into a coma are just fine by me. What's not so fine by me (even though he is totally worth it and more) is the fifteen hundred dollar vet bill that we're now paying off. Third, I just found out today that my beloved Subaru is taking a big crap after 160K loyal miles. I've got to start looking for a new (read--new to me) car pronto. I drive over a hundred miles a day to and from work, so it's not something I can put off or do without for a while.
I am bombarded, yet I stand.
The words that always serve me well.
My man has gone to supervise the packing and move of the rest of his things. He'll be back on Saturday, but I sure miss him. The upside is that my stepdog and I have bonded like nobody's bizzzness. He loves me! Wheeeeeeeee!
My life is pretty ordinary these days. I read some of your accounts with a little envy...books published, bands breaking, bees charmed....mostly, I grin like a kid and am so proud of you all. I can't help it. It's the mother hen in me mixed with the secret hope that I also have something extraordinary in me--that I can't have merely stumbled across so many amazing friends by accident.
My writing feels dull and plodding of late, but my life is joyful and technicolor. And as awful as I am about keeping in touch and making time to be social, I never come here without feeling intensely the care I have for some of you. Please never mistake my silence for lack of good will.
I'm the richest broke woman who ever lived.