Come October

Sep 30, 2005 09:15

I've been dancing a jig since that smarmy shitbag Tom DeLay was indicted earlier this week. Politics is sickening as usual and the media just keeps feeding it to us. There's been some speculation as to the existence of a plea bargain in the works with DeLay, given that on the face of the indictment there is a waiver of the statute of limitations for prosecution. That's highly irregular as indictments go, and usually would not happen unless there has been some serious negotiation on the front side, so I'm fairly certain that there was at least some sort of agreement worked out. Still, the bullshit rhetoric continues. Please, the next time a politician gets indicted with some sort of secret deal worked out ahead of time, can we please require that everyone be ordered to SHUT THE FUCK UP FINALLY!!?? I realize that the empire is dying and I'm probably doomed to a life of living under the rule of corporate-suckled, wheezing mediocrity until the death star finally implodes. But if I can't have a revolution, I'd just like a little peace and quiet.

Had a taste yesterday of fall, but it will be back up into the 90s today. The little house has been repainted with silly orangesicle trim and a bright red door, soon to be followed by a red roof. Gardening will probably be minimal this fall since I'm so busy with derby stuff, but I'm definitely looking forward to doing a bit of landscaping in the coming year. I'm also still toying with ideas for the little plot of land I have down the road.

I'm off to a second round of derby camp this weekend. We have a dozen girls going this time, twice as many as last time. That makes sense, given that our league is about twice the size as before. I'm looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and getting to know some new ones better.

Fall is the only season that makes me want to have everyone I know into my home. Maybe I'll have an autumnal gathering of some sort in the near future. I'm brewing stories and feel a nice, long writerly spell coming on.

derby, home, fall

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