In Ottawa

Dec 04, 2006 16:02

Rally and March for women’s rights, for equality, & access to governments and the courts.

Sunday, December 10, 2006
(International Human Rights Day)
1:30 pm
Supreme Court of Canada
301 Wellington Street, Ottawa


In the last several months, the federal government has:

- cancelled the provincial/federal child care agreements which would have provided
much-needed quality child care
- announced that it will close 12 of 16 Status of Women Canada offices in eight
- refused to introduce pro-active pay equity despite expert recommendations
- eliminated funds for the Court Challenges Program so women and other minorities
can’t fight discrimination
- cut Status of Women’s operating budget by 40% and eliminated funding to women’s
groups who advocate for equality
- disregarded an election commitment by Prime Minister Stephen Harper to improve
women’s human rights in Canada

Our response:

Women will not go quietly back to the kitchen.

For more information:

Sue Genge 613-521-3400 x 281

All are welcome to attend.

This rally and march is sponsored by:

Alliance des femmes de la francophonie canadienne - Canadian Council of Muslim
Women - Canadian Federation of University Women - Canadian Labour Congress -
Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women - Canadian Women’s
Community Economic Development Council - Canadian Women’s Foundation - Child Care
Advocacy Association of Canada - Feminist Alliance for International Action -
Fédération des femmes du Québec - National Association of Women and the Law -
National Council of Women of Canada - Ontario Association of Interval and
Transition Houses - Regroupement provincial des maisons d’hébergement et de
transition pour femmes victimes de violence conjugale - - YWCA
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