I love Newfoundland Women!

Oct 05, 2006 10:52

Media Release - For Immediate Release

October 5, 2006

“Women Are Now Equal!”

Provincial Advisory Council on the Status of Women Responds to Minister Bev Oda’s Assertion that Canadian Women Have Achieved Equality

This week, Minister Oda, the Federal Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, declared that women are equal. If we have any trouble along the way, all we need to do is simply pick up the phone and ask for our rights.

Yes, Minister Oda is positive that women are equal. So as of October 3, her department will no longer fund women’s groups to advocate for change. Yep, women’s groups won’t be allowed to talk with municipal, provincial or federal governments on her nickel.

Here’s what her new funding guideline says: “Status of Women Canada does not provide funding for… Domestic advocacy activities and lobbying of federal, provincial, and municipal governments.”

It looks like the only domestic activities we’re good for now is looking after our homes and families. So, women, slip on those aprons and oven mitts and head to the kitchen! The rest of our work is done! And by the way, that family of yours better be one of those “traditional” ones.

It’s time for women to put down that hard and tiresome EQUALITY work. Never mind that we still haven’t achieved the things our mothers and grandmothers were demanding 30 years ago. We no longer have to struggle for change because, baby, we’ve got it all!

Don’t have childcare? Just call someone. Being harassed at work? Not to worry, your equality is only a phone call away. And for goodness sakes, stop complaining about how hard it is to live on minimum wage. You can find a better paying job if you just try harder. But remember, women don’t deserve equal pay for work of equal value.

Having trouble getting legal aid or access to justice? Sorry, Status of Women Canada is no longer interested in your legal troubles. And golly gee, stop fretting about the lack of women in leadership. If more women want to get into politics, they should just do it! But don’t forget to bring your oven mitts. And remember, all the “good moms” are at home with their babies.

Oh, the Minister does recognize that violence against women is a problem. But that’s “advocacy”, so don’t expect to talk to anyone with any power to do anything about it. It looks like Minister Oda plans to take care of that issue all by herself.

With all this news from Ottawa, you’d expect women everywhere to be dancing in the streets! The reality is, we have to work even harder now. The only women celebrating are the members of “R.E.A.L. Women”. The rest of us are just plain angry.

And by the way, of course we’re equal. We just don’t have equality!

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Media Contact: Leslie MacLeod, PACSW President: 753-6124
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