too bad

Dec 26, 2007 00:46

it troubles me to hear of the horrible things said about those I care most for coming from the people whom I thought were the closest of friends.

this seems to be the reoccurring theme of the past year especially… people not being as trustworthy as they had seemed/ not being honest/ or pretty much being fake when I had only loved/cared for/trusted them whole heartedly with everything for being so important to me.

who can be trusted though?

its difficult to ever really tell, and for this reason I will keep loving blindly because it is all I can do. the people who are in the wrong know who they are however, and also as to how they are not being genuine in the slightest.

my new years resolution will be to not let this be of concern to me anymore.

as soon as I notice falsity in concerns to such, I will just walk away from it as I have been learning to most recently even in the most difficult of situations. already, things have become so much better for this reason. I am not afraid to speak my mind any longer, and I am not afraid to do what is right. I only wish people could get along and realize time is short, and that there is more to life than holding grudges, making assumptions, or talking spitefully behind others backs. I will continue to view all as equals/people to be cared for no matter what is said of me or of those that I care most for behind my back.

just know that I am not unaware to your double standards and false friendships. know also that I have been hurt far too much in the past year let alone my life to let these kinds of things hurt me still yet.
 I am here now and always with open arms to be only myself.

take this as you will if you so chose, but do not ever believe me to be a fool, ever.
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