Today's forecast in Raleigh, North Carolina is a bright sunny 72 degrees outside. Tomorrow's forecast will be a bit chilly with the high of 49. I know it may sound strange, but down here they say " wait 10 minutes" and then the weather changes like that. Anyways, tomorrow is Super Bowl 56 and I have to work. It's no big deal, but I just like having fun this time of year. Watching the game and seeing how awful/funny the commercials are. Quick question for you guys, what was your favorite Super Bowl commercial? Mine was this one of Career Builder. There was also the half time shows. Some of them i enjoyed watching others I didn't care for. So, tomorrow after work,
somedayseattle and I are going to pig out on just snacks and drinks while we watch the game. I also forgot to mention too that it's funny that tomorrow is a man's day and Monday being Valentine's Day is a day for women. Interesting how both these things work out. I also want to thank
somedayseattle for everything he's done for me this Valentine's Day. If it wasn't for him, who knows what I would do. Hope everyone has a little time the next couple of days to enjoy themselves.