This week I'm in the remedial knitting class

Feb 04, 2006 07:47

I barely knit much of anything to write home about this week. I weaved in a bunch of ends in my Rogue, which is likely the most productive I've been. Haven't had a chance to sew on those sleeves either, they are set in and I haven't had enough concentration available (or time!) to devote to the cause.

Thursday was knitting mistake day. I finished the book I was reading so when it came time to go to the gym I grabbed my Wyvern sock as I was running out the door instead of hunting down a new book. I knit a few rounds on the exercise bike then got to some weirdness- I don't know WHAT I did or how this wacky looking stitch happened. I need to look at it more closely when my legs aren't spinning fast and try to drop down and fix whatever mistake it is. I have a feeling it's a k2tog that I messed up somehow and I'm not quite sure how to fix that by dropping the stitch down a row or two. Maybe I can figure it out, although sometimes it is faster to rip back.

Then, fast forward to Tali's gymnastics class. Couldn't bring the sock, stuck on that. So I decided to cast on for my 2nd fingerless mitt. I knit the first one out of some gorgeous, yet impractical, Malabrigo merino that I got back when they sold it on It's been so warm here this winter that I haven't been motivated to knit the 2nd one. I cast on and got going at a good clip and got a good bit done. I started rushing at the end to finish *one more round* since class was about to end, then I got to a spot where I forgot to cross a cable in the pattern. I should be able to fix this mistake by dropping down, it's a simple cable after all, but it sucks because now I'm stalled on that too.

So now I've got those sleeves to sew, 4 broken projects that need fixing and NOTHING to pick up and just knit when the hands need something to do. That sucks. (the other 2 broken projects are the baby vest and my Manos cardigan, haven't touched those two things either.)

Guess I'll have to fold my laundry.


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