Player Information
Name: Hydok
Timezone: EST
Personal Journal:
hydokPlayers Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: AIM: swarmqueenhydok Plurk: Hydok
Email Address: swarmqueen.hydok[at]
Former/Other Characters in the RP: nope
How did you hear about us?: Mozart is a filthy enabler
Character Information
Name: Franken Stein
Canon Origin/Series: Soul Eater
School Year: 1st
Gender: Male
Age: 11
Out of school living location: Bangor, Gwynedd, Wales
Blood status: Muggleborn
The canon-point I'm taking him from is a bit awkward, since it's 16/18 years pre-canon. However, the point of the flashback shown in the series was to give more information about his personality/motives, and also showed some differences between that point pre-canon and how he acts in canon.
Stein describes himself as an extremely curious person who can't handle boredom or pointless rules. Other people would call him a sadist, a psychopath, insane, intimidating, and creepy. Admittedly, he does realize that this is how other people perceive him, but (at this point in canon) instead of attempting to hide his unbalanced nature, he glories in it. Other people are boring, and he's just going to do whatever he wants, regardless of their opinions. He is (later in canon) shown to have the capacity to present himself as relatively normal, and even be an extremely popular and well-loved teacher, but it is stated that he fakes the majority of "normal" emotions.
He can't stand being bored, and doesn't like rules set down by humans. He has little regard for human life, and looks down on other people. Stein constantly wants to know why people work the way that they do, and a lot of his issues with authority and "boredom" stem from not being able to accept the answers that he's given. Why should he follow rules that humans make up? What makes them have any right to control his life or decisions?
However, he doesn't want anarchy, and he doesn't really want to lose control of himself. He wants to be able to give into his curiosity but not go completely crazy. Thus, he has decided to follow the laws set down by a god, because a god doesn't need to answer to humans, and a god is allowed to be selfish and make whatever rules they want. The god in question is the god of death, who not only allowed Stein to do what he wanted as long as it was within approved boundaries, but also gave Stein a partner who could control him and make sure he kept following the rules.
Canon Background: [This is to give us an idea that you know your character and their canon backstory. When we say brief we mean a simplified version to the point, from the beginning of the series to where it currently is. No copypasting, please.]
Background (AU!Canon; HP): [200 word minimum. This is the place to put their backstory, as well as what classes they excel in, etc.]
How would your character fit in to each House?
Stubborn, fearless.
Loyal to the few he cares about
Rule breaker,
Sample Journal Entry: [No minimum here, but this is an opportunity to showcase your character's voice, so more than a line or two would be helpful.]
Sample Interaction Post in Third Person: [200 word minimum]