It's been a while since I posted any pics, so here are a few from the last month or two in random order.
This remarkably vivid blue picture is of our dear friend Jen Yu, cooking us a wonderful Chinese meal while visiting with us in Sydney. Come back soon Jen.
After having his second bike stolen, Jerad just kind of gave up buying replacement bikes and built this one from scratch. Personally, I'm amazed that a person can build a bike from bits and pieces.
Last Saturday was one of thoise grey, drizzly nights so Jerad cooked up these lamb shanks for dinner - slow roasted with vegies and served with polenta. The meat was so tender that you could have eaten it with a spoon. I love winter food.
A blurry photo of the best smile I know.
This is my Dad on a boat. He looks happy, doesn't he? He's on the boat because it's his 60th birthday in June, so we got together with my Mum, brother and sister-in-law and hired this boat to go sightseeing on the harbour for the day. I think Dad loved it. The weather looks grim, but it was actually perfect - cool and grey to start with, clearing to a lovely sunny afternoon.
Here I am helping my brother, Cam, navigate out of Rose Bay. The mission was to complete the day without striking one of the multi-million dollar yachts on the way. Or at least to not get caught. I jest.
I don't know if they recommend steering with one hand and your head out the top of the cabin. Oh well. Cam did well all day with the sailing.
The lovely Heidi.
Is there a happier sight? We putzed around to the Fish Markets and picked up some fish and chips for lunch. Here are Mum and Dad ferrying the greasy goods to the dock. I like how the plate is bulging out at the bottom. Yum.
Heidi and Dad - I have the best picture of Jerad on the boat, but it's on Mum and Dad's camera. Once I retrieve it I'll post it.
And here I am, ten minutes ago, with some evidence of pregnant tummy. I must say, this dress is not so bump enhancing, so it may look like I'm not all that big but I have a fair-sized belly now.