Title : Stay Another Day
Fandom : The Secret Circle
Pariring : Jake/Cassie
Summary : "I felt guilty too. He lost his parents all over again while I discovered that I still may have part of mine" Short OS following up on the events 1x12 turned into a multi-chap story.
Chapter 1 : The Sleepover Chapter 2 : The Burn Yes. Here it is my first fanfiction EVER. Yay me !
I actually typed it all up on my BlackBerry, but I do have a whole page in my German notebook with all the events that will happen in chapter 3 written on it. I still need a long and solid plot line to carry the pairing without making it a boring fluff fic (not that they aren't enjoyable)
But I only have 2 words to describe how I feel at this moment, less then 2 days after having posted the first chapter.
January Stats: For the month of 2012-01, there have been a total of 475 Hits
Thank you so much !