May 24, 2003 07:01
i love atlanta. ive always been a sucker for big cities.
not like orlando. i mean a real city.
our visit was short, but well worth it.
words cant even express how amazing the show was.
the venue was huge, but disgusting... i liked the castle feel.
im just suprised the floor didnt collapse..
most precious blood and the explosion were awesome,
people were going nuts
i got my face kicked so many fucking times..
curses being short..
but it was so much fun dancing..
i didnt think it could get any crazier and then afi came out
and jeebus me
people were passing out.. and no one could move..
i was fine the first two hours.. but then i had to get out of there,
so i moved to the back..people were really nice making sure i was ok
i had more room to dance and shit, so i was fine..
afi owned! it was so intense.. i think this was my biggest wow..
i adore them so much.. they are lyrically amazing and so extremely talented..
it was so surreal...
i love how they sound live, exactly like they do on every single cd..
i loved how at the very last song [god called in sick today],
when davey walked on the crowd how everyone respected him and didnt grab at him or try to sing into his microphone, everyone just stared and sung along- never missing a word.
i love meeting people who love music as much as me and dont become consumed with the fashion or the drama.. and are respectful.
atlanta is nice. ive been there many times before, but this tops any other visit and any other show.
and after this amazing set and everything is done, we go downstairs and some local djs were spinning jungle.. it was a good nite.. i see my favorite band and then i hear one of my favorite kinds of music..
and too top it all off.. im doing all this with my favorite person, Wes.
hopefully all our pics came out.
beat, bruised, and now back in florida..
~exes and ohs ~