Jul 22, 2003 17:07
Good god.
I realize I am a lot older than most people in the pro-ed communities, but CHRIST I am tired of seeing posts about people who want to "get ana back" or "please ana help me"
yeah I might sound like a hypocrite, but WHY ON EARTH would you WANT something that controls your life and doesn't let go? Gawd. If I could go back and consciously make the choice to not purge that very first time I did it, I would.
If i could grab some person by the shoulders and shake the heck out of them when they say they are playing around with purging and such, I would. If i could save one person all the hell I put myself through for 15 years of throwing up, looking in the mirror and hating myself every fucking time i bent over the toilet and spewed my guts out, numerous times a day...
Yeah..bulimia is so glamerous. What's REALLY glamorous is how I can't get insurance privately, or how i have no hunger signal, or full signal...or how my metabolism is totally fucked.
All so glamorous. I guess I don't get why someone would TRY to be like this if they didn't have to be, ya know? Some of us are wired, predestined, ordained, to be like this.
I'm really not bulimic anymore. I don't binge and purge..i just purge every once in a while, but my WHOLE DAY is filled with numbers and calculations, and giving myself permission to eat, or refusing to let myself eat. Sounds like fun, doesnt it?