
Dec 19, 2005 23:20

OK well I'm home for Christmas. Exams are done. I've gone back to work at AE. You know you'd think that things would slow down for me once school ended last Mon. but no. I went straight to work when i got home and I've been doing it every night since. It's probably because it's the week before christmas and people are insane at the mall. I tried leaving my house 30 min. early to get to work on time...then i had to try 45 min. ans stilll showed up late...then nearly an hour early! People are insane! Traffic was backed up for miles. How do they expect to shop if the people that are supposed to help them are stuck in traffic that they made! Ugh! I hate lines and traffic with a firery passion! ::breaths::
Anyway, today was my day off and my family and i got to go see King Kong in theaters. It was pretty good. It's was long, but in the end, good. Then we came home and ate fudge brownies and milk while watching a christmas movie. It was the best! I still haven't gotten a chance to see most of my friends. I work night shift, come home exshasted, then sleep till like 1 or 2pm and then get up take a shower and go to work again. I really should find some way to spend time with my friends. I've only spent like 2 outings with jen. I mean how often do i get to see my best friend. I'll be gone in less than a month. It's not everyday i get to see her or my other friends. Well, it'll all work out eventually. Well if anyone wanted to see me, I'll be at the mall in AE almost every night even on christmas eve and the day after christmas! g2g for now, gotta work late tomorrow.
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