Nov 30, 2006 06:16

Aww, the sweet sweet scent of little baby kittens. I love kittens, they're like crack.

So Cassie got a new kitten, which totally has a Hitler mustache and was trying to do the "Sieg Heil" thing at her big-girl kitty all night.

Here are some pictures of the mini-monster, code-named Calliope:

Here is a picture of a shaved kitten. She was found in a car wash, underneath a grate where all the soap and cleaning solutions pooled up to drain away...she was sopping wet with random cleaning fluids and had lice, nits, AND fleas. So we shaved her down. All those markings are actually on her skin...Janie, this is what your Sphynx will look like :)

As a bonus, a picture of Melinda's kitty Stryfe being more adorable than his usual surly self. Melinda is my belly-dancing teacher and all-around awesome lady and Stryfe is her owner.

cats, kittens

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