
Jul 24, 2014 06:33

There's a few fic exhanges I really want to sign up for, but I'm not the best ever at actually getting things written these days. And I've never been very good at writing fic to deadlines. But I want to! And of course the sign up deadline is today... I don't know what to do!

Well, work practice (I have to do work practice to ever manage to finish my studies) for the last week has given me awesome opportunity for trying to write fic, no actual work to be done. Of course trying is the operative word there, I haven't finished anything. But I'm really trying to finish some of the fics I seem to have started ages ago.

And there's a new kitten. She's called Päivi and she's a spawn of Satan (according to some people). I would post a picture, but I'm too lazy right now (and the devil!kitten would actually have to stay in one place for long enough for a picture to be taken, and the camera on my phone is crap). She's very cute when she sleeps though.

post: fannish things, post: random scribbles, real life: i has pets

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