(no subject)

Feb 18, 2013 11:20

My sister got her results for her latest MRI today. For once actual good news. Awesome news in fact. The pressure in her head has lessened and the thingy in her head has started to dissipate (why yes, totally proper medical terms, I'm sure the doctor called it a thingy). So as far as her brain is concerned she's pretty much healthy. Of course her knee's still shot, her back's fucked, and she still suffers from migraines and chronic pain. But none of that is actively killing her, so awesomeness.

So that's the good news. My own health isn't being quite that awesome lately. If you're not aware, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis some time ago and for the past six months or so that's been acting up again. Things went better for a short while there (which is why I went ahead and signed up for Gabriel big bang, since that seemed like fun), and then they started getting worse again. The cortisone isn't helping like it should (and I seem to get all the damn side effects from it, which isn't fun), so this week I'm in for a change in medication and, well... we'll see what happens after that.

School isn't going too well, seeing as half the time I can't manage to get there. Or actually concentrate on much of anything. Last week I managed a total of five hours of school, which resulted in two days of headache, one day of crying and throwing up and then pretty much two days of nothing but sleep. Because doing stuff is exhausting.

This is also why I'm afraid I'll more than likely have to give up my hopes of finishing my fic for the Gabriel big bang. It seems my current medication isn't exactly helpful when it comes to my writing.

But yeah, if I'm not around too much, it's simply because I'm lacking the energy to concentrate on much of anything.

real life: family is weird, real life: being sick

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