(no subject)

Dec 04, 2012 09:31

So, I'm slowly getting back into fandom, again. (Baby steps!) My health seems to be looking up for a change, so I suddenly have the energy to like things again. I'd like to podfic, but alas, this relationship I seem to have fallen into makes it a tad bit difficult. Mostly because being away from the other person for an hour makes me miss them terribly and then after that the only thing I really think about is when I can get back to them. So, no podficcing. But at least I've managed to get somewhere with the fic writing, not very far, but it's more than I've done for months and months. So good on me.

Also, monogamous relationship. Or well, relationship. Very strange how not strange it feels so far. We also kind of skipped that whole 'dating' stage of the whole thing.

real life: being sick, post: random scribbles, real life: dating just happened

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