maybe I just shouldn't have neigbours

Apr 23, 2012 12:05

Sometimes following
fuckyeahpodficplatypus makes me wonder about my own podficcing habits. This time about my neighbours. I really only have one set of neighbours who might hear anything (and I'm pretty sure they do hear something), a very nice elderly couple. Now I've never really cared too much if they happen to hear what I'm recording or listening to (unless of course it's late or loud enough to disturb them overly or something, which is an entirely different issue). Of course I've also always assumed that they don't speak much English, but I don't know. But I'm pretty sure I wouldn't care anyway. But maybe it's just easy for me not to care since they probably don't understand the content.

...and then I remembered that I also share a balcony with them, and that my door to the balcony is in my bedroom and has a nice big window on it. I don't use the balcony for anything really, they do sometimes, and obviously you can see into my bedroom from there. Occasionally there are other people in my bedroom. Instead of investing in a curtain or something, I've gone with the philosophy of "they probably wouldn't look, and if it was somehow disturbing they'd tell me".

So my conclusion is that I really don't care if they happen to hear me read porn now and then.


Now why I told all of you this, I don't know.

post: random scribbles

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