I already did this once, but I do like talking about myself, so I thought I'd do it again. :D
Comment to this post, and I will list seven things I want you to talk about. They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your journal. Other people can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.
applegeuse geave these questions.
1. You’re left alone with someone’s diary. Do you read it? (There’s no chance of being caught.)
No. I was going to say something about how it depends, but after giving it some thought I realised that the answer is a very simple no. I never have in the past, even when there has been the oportunity, and I doubt I would do otherwise in the future. It would have to be very exceptional circumstances indeed, for that to change.
2. If you could spend a day with yourself as a child, what would you do for yourself?
I would find a toy store that sold Care Bear plushies (preferably very large ones) and then proceed to watch a tiny me go nuts. Or if the kid me was slightly older, do the same, but with Transformers toys.
And believe me, I'd go nuts. Especially about the Care Bears. Loudly, and happily. The first time I ever encountered a toy store I was around sixteen I think, and my friend had to litteraly drag me away from the action figures. The second time I was around twenty, and there were CARE BEAR PLUSHIES!!!!!! I'd never imagined such a thing. And after trying to convince me to leave and being answered by me waving a giant Care Bear at her and going "LOOK AT THIS!! LOOK AT IT!! I WANT THEM ALL!!!!!!" my kid sister pretty much had to drag me out of there. I did get a small Care Bear though. So, I figure a kid me would apreciate the experience too. :D
3. List three books/movies/TV shows you absolutely despise and explain why.
CSI:Miami. I cannot stand David Caruso in it. I don't know if it's the actor, or the character or the combination of them, but every time I am hit with the urge to strangle him. This urege is rather disturbing, since I can't think of any one else who'd make me despise them quite so much, and also it's a character in a tv show. I am disturbed by the strength of my loathing. Hence I cannot stand the whole show.
I don't remember the name of the book, but I snagged it out of my mom's collection of books on sexuality. She did warn me that a lot of them are... not that good. Since, at least in Finland there's very few people that study these sorts of things, it seems like pretty much anyone who takes a few courses of something vaguely related will call themselves an expert and write a book filled with utter misinformation because they think they know things. And they'll be believed, because it's in a book and there's not much peer review, since like I said, not many people in the field. Whoever wrote that particular book, I wanted to find them and see if I could use the book to knock the stupid out of them, since it's the only think it might be good for.
My immediate reaction to the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie was to utterly hate everything about it, with time to think I've come to be okay with and accept that it is a completely separate thing from the comics, I think I could watch it now and even be entertained. But considering the strength of my first reaction I'll include it anyway. They damn well fucked up everyone's backstory, I'm pretty sure there wasn't a single character they didn't manage to screw over. This was possibly a bad choice of movie for a date, but at least my date found my reaction mostly amusing. Said reaction being to assert that I didn't want to talk about the whole experience, and please could we go somewhere with alcohol, because I deperatley needed to get my mind of it.
4. Lucifer is a kitten, Gabriel is a puppy, and Cas is a baby bird. Which one would you rather adopt?
I think I've had that kitten... And yup, the kitten definitely. To survive in my home, a kitten would need a bit of devil in them.
5. You get take a paid vacation anywhere in the world for a month. Where would you go, and what would you do?
If I'd be allowed to take someone with me, I'd take my sister and her kid and go someplace warm, where we don't need to do anything else than lie around in the sun. And do whatever a three year old wants to do.
If I'm not allowed to take anyone with me, I'd stay at home.
6. Crowley wants to make a deal with you, and says he’ll give you your soul back later (like he told Bobby). Do you take the risk?
With my scpetisism about most things, souls included... I guess it'd still depend on the deal. For some things, without hesitation.
7. Describe your perfect crossover or fusion fic. What would you blend, and what would you want to happen as a result?
Fusions aren't my thing, but crossovers... oh, I want all the crossovers. It's honestly not at all about what should happen as a result, it's the getting it all to work and making it seem plausible. Work with both canons, try not to ignore things or handwave too much, and make it work.
And I know I haven't exactly answered the question, but no matter how I think about it, I can't. The fandoms don't matter, as long as you make them fit together perfectly, and if they don't seem compatible, and you still make it work... well, I'll admire it even more. That's my perfect crossover.
And a meme of firsts, stolen from
auntmo9 1. Who was your FIRST prom date?
We don't have prom. There's traditionally one dance, though, which I didn't attend and never intended to attend. Because I couldn't see a reason to make such a big fuss of it all, when I wasn't even remotely interested.
2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love?
I don't know that I have one. There are I suppose, people I could have fallen in love with, had things worked out that way, but I never have.
3. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?
Oh, I don't remember. Probably some sort of wine. I do know that the first time I drank enough to get a tiny bit drunk, it was sparkling wine.
4. What was your FIRST job?
Well, the first thing I really did for any longer amount of time would be bartending, I did start out as barhelp of course.
5. What was your FIRST car?
The only car that has ever had my name on the ownership papers, is a Ford Escort.
6. Who was the FIRST person to text you today?
No one, and I suspect it will stay that way. Well, it's friday so there's a small chance (a very small, mind you) that a friend might text and ask if I'm going out.
7. Who is the FIRST person you talked to this morning?
No one yet, have been alone the whole day. I'm betting either mom, or sister will call me at some point though.
8. Who was your FIRST grade teacher, tell us about them?
Barbro, she's an awesome teacher. Principal of the school these days. My aunt had her as a first grade teacher, so did my brother, sister and most of my cousins. The thing I always apreciated about her was that she was always as fair as possible. She still recognises each one of the kids she's taught, no matter how much they've changed.
9. Where did you go on your FIRST air plane ride?
Malaga, Spain.
10. Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?
I don't remember the exact chronology of friends when I was a kid, meaning I don't know who was the first one. I had a few close friends as a kid I guess, but I don't really talk to any of them anymore.
11. Where was your FIRST sleep over?
My grandmotehr probably doesn't count? In that case it must have been one of two family friends with kids aproximately my age, I know I'd slept over at both places at some point when I was... less than seven?
13. Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?
I remember my dress, the church and that I was there with mom. It was a relative from mom's side of the family. For the life of me I can't remember who got married.
The first one I remember was my aunt. I threathened to hit someone with my shoe, it had pointy heels.
14. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
Checked my email.
15. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?
I've never been to one.
16. FIRST tattoo?
Scorpion on my shoulder. One and only.
17. FIRST piercing?
My ears at... eighteen, maybe.
18. FIRST foreign country you went to?
19. FIRST movie you remember seeing?
20. When was your FIRST detention?
22. Who was your FIRST roommate?
Leila. We used to be good friends, haven't really talked since we moved apart.
23. If you had one wish. What would it be?
My sister's health.
24. What is something you would learn if you had the chance?
Music, if it required no effort whatsoever. I don't even listen to music, I don't sing or play anything. I don't really have all that much to say about music, there's no strong emotions there for me, one way or the other. But a surprising amount of people I know are musicians, by profession or as a hobby, or otherwise involved with music. And I don't really understand any of it, I guess sometimes I'd just want to be able to relate.
25. Did you marry the FIRST person to ask for your hand in marriage?
Never been married.
26. What was the first sport that you were involved in?
Cross country skiing or possibly orienteering. I was very small, and sports still seemed fun. At least as long as you got to do them on your own.
27. What were the first lessons you ever took?
28. What is the first thing you do when you get home?
Take the dog out.