Bright and Shining (spn/b5)

Apr 07, 2012 17:00

Title: Bright and Shining
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post: fic, fandom: babylon 5, fandom: supernatural

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Comments 4

whimsy_madley April 7 2012, 23:35:26 UTC
Wow, this story was amazing and you executed it well. It's sad that Dean has lost so much of his memories after living so long, but in the end he still tries to save someone. I find myself wanting to read more since it's rare to find good B5 crossovers. Thanks for sharing this great story.


tinypinkmouse April 8 2012, 09:37:47 UTC
Thank you! There isn't anything that you can cross all that easily with B5 I guess, I'd love to see some more crossovers myself. I'd love more B5 stories in general, but... yeah.


huntress69 April 8 2012, 00:26:52 UTC
One slick looking human (gotta be Morden) and then there is Londo, who changed so much over the seasons. I think Dean would make a good addition to the station, and full memory or not, he's still trying to make things right. Nice job and thanks for sharing. (And on a stupid sidenote, I posted that if I could party with anyone fictional, it would have been S1 Londo - before he went all darkside).


tinypinkmouse April 8 2012, 09:33:04 UTC
Thank you so much! (It wouldn't have been a dull party, that's for sure.)


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