a dream and a meme

Apr 03, 2012 15:48

Last night I dreamt my aunt was hiding injured Minbari in her apartment (now why they were injured or why they needed hiding I don't know). There was also a Ferris wheel (umm... actually it seemed to be the place from the scene in due South where Ray Vecchio got shot by Muldoon) and Vir was having a secret rendezvous with Lyndisty in the Ferris wheel.

Yes, I was watching Babylon 5 before going to sleep. This still doesn't make sense.

I'm attempting to do schoolwork, and I need a break. It's boring and I don't care about it at all. So I'll do this meme instead.

How it works for you (if you wish to participate):

Comment to this post, and I will list seven things I want you to talk about. They might make sense or they might be totally random.

Then post that list, with your commentary, to your journal. Other people can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

auntmo9 gave me these questions:

1. If you could visit any fictional spot for a vacation, what would it be?

For once, something easy to answer. Babylon 5 of course, and not just because I've been re-watching the series. I honestly can't think of any place more fascinating than that.

2. TVLand... which show would you mostly likely end up in? (knowing your luck)

Probably one of the new versions of some of the 80's or early 90's cartoons. Everything would be kind of familiar, and yet completely wrong. And then I would cry. As long as it wasn't Transformers: Armada, or something, I could maybe live with it, which now that I said that, it would definitely be.

Unless of course, cartoons don't count, then it'd probably end up being CSI:Miami, and I would have to try and strangle myself.

3. What is your fondest childhood memory?

I have quite a few fond memories from my childhood, there's really not any one that I would hold up above the others. But to pick one:

Mom driving us home in a red Volkswagen bug (we had two, mom insisted, she named them Olga and Pentti), after we'd dropped of dad for football. It started raining, and it rained so much that you couldn't really see the road, and I remember sitting in the backseat and staring out the back window, informing mom that we were still on the road, in case she wasn't sure. Driving in heavy rain still makes me weirdly nostalgic.

4. Time travel is possible. Where and when would you go to 'visit' and experience that time?

I don't really want to go backward in time. Oh, there's some things I'm curious about, but mostly the past isn't for me. I don't think I'd be very comfortable with a lot of it, at least te practicalities of it all. So I'd really want to go to the future, but of course I don't know what's in the future and can't really say anything specific. And that's the whole point of it, I'm just immensely curious. I'd like to know if we ever get around to managing some sort of decent space travel. Oh, and really I'd just want to know what people look like far enough in the future. I mean are we still evolving? And I suppose we'd be more homogenous. Or maybe we've managed to kill ourselves off. I'd just like to know.

5. Is there a book/movie/show that you found yourself highly surprised that you liked?

Quite a few, which is why I try not to form too many opinons beforehand (not to say that there aren't a few movies I just refuse to watch, you know, just because).

There's fantasy litterature (or tv shows too) in general. There was a point in time I scorned the idea of reading about places and things that had no basis in reality. Once I got around to falling in love with fantasy, I then went on to believe that there was no point in stories with pretty much AU versions of reality, I mean something that you couldn't fit into reality relatively easily (I mean Buffy was okay, because most people in Buffy didn't know about the supernatural, but say, True Blood would have seemed stupid because everyone knew about vampires. Just for the record, I quite enjoy True Blood). I got over that too. That's about when I started trying not to have too definite opinions on what kind of tv shows or books or movies I'd like.

For a more concrete answer: Supernatural. I never meant to watch it, so a few glimpses of it on tv in the earlier seasons and didn't think it was for me. Then it snuck up on me through crossover fanfics and in the end I felt like I kind of had to watch it. And then it further surprised me with having me like most of the things I didn't think I'd like about it, and not like the things I thought I would.

6. What is your favorite female character?

Ten years ago I would have answered Willow without a second thought. Now, I really needed to think about this, but I suppose Vicki Nelson from the Blood Ties tv show/Blood novel-series.

7. What are you most looking forward to in this coming year?

Seriously difficult question, I'm usually sadly lacking in things I look forward to in anything other than the short term. And I am sad about that, I'd like to have something to look forward to. Well, I do mean to renovate my apartment, I don't look forward to that as much as I do to it being done and my home looking more like I want it to (I just should get around to doing it).

post: random scribbles, post: meme, real life: and then i woke up

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