I've decided that I'm only posting my podfic to
amplificathon and my AO3. Even AO3 feels like too much effort sometimes, and now that Amplificathon is only running on the DW side the choice between LJ and DW was easy. I'll see how I feel about it once Amplificathon is over and I'm feeling less like 'must make ALL the podfic. NOW!!' and am back to posting a few podfics now and then.
I don't really know why I go all podfic crazy when Amplificathon rolls around. Same thing happened last year and it rather mystifies me. It's not like I even want to win. I'm afraid of winning. Because winning usually means prizes, and that, I suspect, involves expressing wishes on what specific fic one would like to hear podficced by someone else. I can't do that. But then, judging by last year, I have nothing to worry about. Other people make more podfic than me.
Still... must post more podfic!