mosquitoes are evil

Jul 11, 2011 23:05

I went to the cottage party last Friday. It turned out to be a lot less bad than what I'd expected. In fact, things went pretty smoothly all things considered and most people seemed to enjoy themselves most of the time. That means there aren't all that much to say about it, but there's a few personal highlights I suppose. If one wants to call them that.

For some reason Gary thought it would be an awesome idea to take a water gun with him. This inevitably led to a lot of people getting wet, because you just have to retaliate don't you? And with all those buckets lying around and the sea right there... Now, most people there wouldn't throw any water on me (the reason will be apparent in a moment) and no one meant to. Except Tomi (my sister's ex) was trying to throw a bucket full of water on Laura (my brother's ex wife) and managed to get it all on me instead. Now, according to Gary, the most fun part of hitting someone with water is the initial reaction, because people will look all pissed at first and then try to act like everything's just fine. That definitely was not my reaction. My reaction was to yell something like "TOMI SAATANA!! VITTU! PERKELE!!" at the top of my lungs the moment any water touched me and jump at him. Now sadly I didn't catch him (well I kinda managed to hit him, but not seriously since he was already running), apparently the boy can move pretty damn fast when he wants to. It all ended with both of us going flying and Tomi injuring his foot.

It was a totally spontaneous reaction. And I firmly maintain that it was the best one out of any that evening. I'm pretty sure I don't need to convince any one that was present of the fact that in some situations I have something of a hair trigger temper. Not that I was angry, actually it was all kind of fun.

It was less fun to go around with all my clothes wet, because the evening was getting slightly chilly by then. Or possibly that was just the dripping wet clothing I was wearing. Off to the sauna to warm up and get out of the wet clothing and since Micu was equally drenched, and still hadn't been to the sauna we went together. Knowing the people there I'm pretty sure there's going to be one or two rumours going around about that, since, you know, who knows what we did there. It's the sauna you friggin' idiots! And it's not like I'm going to wear clothing in the sauna, that would be ridiculous. (That part did take Micu by surprise, since he knows I'm supposed to be shy. Which I am when it comes to things like talking to people. My body on the other hand... not so much.) But at least if they're talking about that, maybe they'll be saying less stupid things about other stuff, and that's just fine by me.

I wasn't too happy about the fact that the only dry clothing I had with me was this extremely revealing dress that would offer no protection against anything, the cold or the mosquitoes. I might as well not have been wearing anything, except that would have meant being naked (which you know, might have been a bit awkward). The only pluses where that it was dry and that I can (have to, actually) wear it without a bra, seeing as my underwear was very wet too. Of course that particular dress shows about half of my boobs, but then, that's nothing new.

Those were pretty much the most interesting bits of the evening as far as I'm concerned. Mostly it was just sitting around talking, eating and drinking. And singing. There was a guitar.

It does confuse me a bit how everyone seems to have such a skewed image of Micu. Sure he's loud and a bit brash, especially at a certain stage of drunkenness, but he's a genuinely good guy and a very nice person. And I guess people see that, but they still seem to expect him to act like far more of an asshole than he's ever been. I have my own issues with the guy (mostly, left over resentment for things that aren't really his fault), but I still don't take that brash surface as everything he is (damn it, it's paper thin anyway). And if I didn't appreciate him before, what he said to me on Saturday (after a couple of conversations on the matter) would have cinched it; "I respect your sexuality. I don't understand it, but I respect it." He's the only person who's ever thought that it's something that should be said. It was just nice to hear it for once, and to know that he's actually thought about what we talked about enough to say something like that.

real life: family is weird, post: random scribbles, real life: talking to people

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