Day Three

Jul 09, 2011 19:00

Day One: Ten Secrets
Day Two: Nine Loves

1. Being lonely, which is not the same thing as being alone. I'm not that social and I like being alone, but feeling lonely is something entirely different.

2. Never getting all this stupid money stuff sorted out.

3. My lack of motivation. I've never wanted to achieve much of anything, because I honestly don't see the point of it.

4. That writing will never be fun again. (Though honestly I don't think that'll happen, because this far it never has.)

5. Dalmatians.

6. Getting depressed again.

7. People. Being around people makes me... uneasy. Espacially in confined spaces, outside it's not quite as bad. And large groups of people are horrible.

8. My sister's health. That's something I'm not even going to start talking about, but it scares the hell out of me whenever I actually think about it.

post: meme

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