unikorento and I had a very... interesting conversation last night. Even though she did have a couple of ciders I think this might have been more her being half asleep than anything else. To be honest I wasn't all that awake myself, but obviously I wasn't that tired.
Jutta: It's yellow.
me: ...what?
Jutta: It's yellow and it folds out.
me: ...umm... what are you talking about?
Jutta: It's yellow and brown. Like a behive. ...and it folds out.
me: I... have no idea what you're talking about. And how many yellow and brown behives have you seen?
Jutta: It's yellow and brown with hexagons and... and it folds out.
me: Okay. I really don't know what you're talking about.
Jutta: It's yellow and it folds out.
me: Really. No idea what you're saying.
Jutta: ...you didn't just ask me a question did you.
me: No.
Jutta: Oh...
me: So, what are you talking about?
Jutta: Well... you know it's one of those things that when you explain it it sounds really insane.
me: Because explaining will make you sound insane.
Jutta: It's that cupboard. You were asking... and it's yellow and folds out. With hexagons.
me: Okay.
I'm pretty sure we established that whatever we were talking about it was most definitely yellow. But if anyone can tell me what's yellow and brown (like a behive), folds out and has hexagons on it and would be found in a cupboard, please do tell. My imagination is failing me.