meme time

May 10, 2011 20:03

So this is how it works; you leave me a comment if you want me to ask you five questions. (I suck at thinking of questions though, so don't expect anything good or for me to be all that quick with replying. :D )

unikorento asked me the following:

1. If you were forced to kill off a current SPN character - who would you pick, and why?
I haven't seen more than half of season six, so I'm not entirely sure who the current characters are, apart from the main ones of course. And I'll say Balthazar for the simple reason that in the couple of episodes I've had time to see him in he just annoyed the hell out of me. (Now, knowing how these thing go I'll likely change my mind once I see the rest of season six. Because it seems that every time I say something like that I end up changing my mind at some point.)

2. Would you rather know how to sail a modern sailing boat, or know how to pilot a plane?
Sailing boat I think. Because I don't trust my eyesight enough for flying and I think I might actually enjoy sailing. Oh, and I'm afraid of heights.

3. If you had to pick up one more language to learn, which would it be? Providing you really could choose any language in the world, mind, because for some reason, there'd be a text book and teacher available.
Why does it have to be a modern language? *pouts* Because in modern languages I'll be boring and say things like Russian or German, becuase I think I should know them. I'm just too lazy to get around to it. So, Russian.

4. What is your favourite flower? (And you can't say "don't have one", because in movies, people always know the favourite flower of female people close to them - so this is vital information for when at some point we need to prove to each other that we are who we say we are, instead of evil clone-impostors.)
Jutta, you don't know what my favourite flower is!? OMG! And you call yourself my friend. (Not that I have any idea if you have one either, but that's so not the point.) The answer obviously being Forget-me-not. It's tiny, blue and grew like a weed in our yard when I was a kid. And I liked the name, the Swedish one of course (didn't speak English back then, but the name's pretty much the same); Förgätmigej. :D

5. What does your current favourite pair of shoes look like?
Well the ones I keep using all the time are a pair of black sneakers that I stole from mom. My favourite ones are still that one pair of black boots, below the knee and with laces going all the way up. Actually got them fixed for the funeral, so now I can use them again.

post: meme

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