Well aren't I in a weird mood today

Oct 21, 2010 20:44

Such awesomeness (and yes that was sarcasm). I just spent hours translating the dub-con, wincest fic that is my previous entry into Finnish (it's here on AO3). The reason? So mom can read it in a language that she has an emotional connection to (or however you say that in English). She understands English okay...ish, but she's far from comfortable with it. And why would I have my mother read that fic in the first place? Yeah... that's the question. I don't know. Well, not that she can't read any of my fic any time she wants to, seeing as she knows where they are. She just usually doesn't bother to since most of what I write is in English.

Now going by how well she actually did seem to get the English version of the fic... I'm starting to wonder if she didn't understand more of the podfic than she claims. I mean I totally didn't mean to listen to myself read non-con and most definitely nc-17 wincest where my parents could hear it. So, I probably shouldn't have driven over to their place and sat in their living room while listening through it, but they weren't home when I started and I wanted to listen to it once more before posting it and... well, I did get confirmation that I didn't in fact sound totally weird while reading it. I have no idea if either of them were listening to what I was actually saying in it though. (If you don't know what story I'm talking about here, it'd be this one, it's all kinds of awesome. Which is to say "Just a Jealous Guy" by princess_aleera if you're just curious and don't want to bother with all the clicking. :) I'm not entirely sure if the whole thing is something I should apologise for. I hope it doesn't bother you though hon, I really didn't mean to.)

Ooh... if mom's reading this. Hi mom! And please pretend you didn't, okay?

real life: family is weird, post: writing about writing, fandom: supernatural, post: random scribbles, post: reading (process), post: use of languge

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