Mar 15, 2011 22:37
It appears that I am still alive!!! Life has been uber crazy lately!
Unfortunately, I had to work day shift during Spring Break. I am soooooo not a morning person and having to be at work at 8am is not a happy situation. It is over now and life is a little bit normal.
I have a subscription to Netflix and get my money's worth out of it. Lately, I have been watching lots of things that Mark Harmon has been in. Some of the stuff has not been so good, but some has been lots of fun. Thanks to the wonder of I was able to find some of the movies for a really good price. Worth Winning, Magic in the Water and Prince of Bel Air are now in my collection at home!:) How can you not love Mark Harmon?!
I have been debating whether or not to buy the BBC's Robin Hood. The complete series has been something that I have been looking at for awhile and I would like to watch it again. I really liked the series and feel it would be worth the purchase. I just really need to go ahead and buy it but for some reason I haven't. Perhaps I am holding out to possibly buy tickets for plays this summer!:) Honestly, I think I am waiting to see when some shows are finally coming out on DVD and I want to save my money and get those.
What else...the governor of my state has presented his budget with a 50% decrease in funding to higher education. NOT COOL!!! Luckily it isn't the finalized budget so there will be some room to negotiate. He wants to put most of the money towards prisons. Why give anyone a chance to better themselves, just throw them in prison!!! Annoyed am I!!!
I had an awesome shopping experience recently. I need a dress for my brother-in-laws wedding that is this summer. I found the perfect one while out shopping with a very good friend. To make it look amazing, I need to lose a few pounds. Granted I need to lose a few pounds anyway but this is the perfect motivation. I bought it and it is now hanging in my bedroom so I see it whenever I have a craving for something bad. Salads for dinner and fruit cups for snacks for the near future. I even found shoes and a hat to go with it!!! I will have to take a picture of it to share with everyone!
My dogs still exist purely to annoy me...but they are sooo cute that they are easily forgiven! There is still on the ground so they don't want to really go out and play, but it is starting to melt and the sun has finally come back out so some days they do want to go out and play. Those are usually the days that I end up having to clean up tons of muddy puppy dog prints. It is worth it though.
Spring cleaning came early to my house this year. I couldn't take the mess in the spare rooms upstairs. Christmas and Halloween decorations were everywhere! I even got a new CD binder that holds over 300 CDs in an attempt to organize. That was actually the easiest part. I am planning on painting our living room. Hopefully I will be able to start that this week since it is finally going to be nice out and I can open the windows for a little bit. Actually, it is kinda sad that low 50 degrees F is considered warm.
I have noticed I don't have as much free time to play online lately and what time I do have I am searching for NCIS fics! I can't get enough of Gibbs whump! I adore Gibbs and Abby father/daughter relationships. There is tons of stuff out there! I guess it helps that there is almost 8 seasons worth of shows! I have also been looking for Hawaii 5-O stories. I am so loving that show!!! I have not stopped reading SGA, there are so many I still have to read, I am just adding to my reading!:)
Hope all is well with everyone! I am off to download some new Glee music!
hawaii 5-o,
robin hood,