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Mar 22, 2009 21:42

Yeah!  My DVR is up and running and I am recording!  I was able to record the Battlestar Galactica marathon on Friday and the Nora Roberts marathon on Saturday.  I missed my DVR so much...I don't ever want to be without it again!

I saw the preview for the new Stargate Universe.  It doesn't look too bad.  I am definitely going to give it a try.  It looks like it will be much darker than previous series...maybe they realized that people will watch dark themed things since BSG came out and was so popular...we will have to see.  I still wish there was another season of Atlantis, though.

Aside from watching television, I did manage to work on de-mousing my house.  I will not let that little bugger win!  I managed to move the dressers and clean behind them and aluminum foil the holes around pipes that come out of the basement.  This week, I will be working on my 4 6-foot bookshelves.  Time to get out the dryer sheets again!

Battlestar Galactica Finale Thoughts...SPOILERS!

I absolutely loved the final episode.  I am terribly sorry to see it go, but I am glad it ended on such a wonderful episode.  I was thrilled when Tory finally died...I couldn't stand her since she showed up to take over for Billy.  I liked the fact that it wasn't a happy ending for everyone.  I wish Lee had ended up with Kara, but it wouldn't have meant that it would have been happy...look at everything that has happened before.  I thought I did very well with not crying about anything until the Admiral said goodbye to Lee and Kara...then I lost it and was just so sad, but very fitting, I thought.
I do have a question is silly...I am warning you...Since the fleet landed on Earth before the Egyptian Pyramids and Stonehenge...does that mean they were really build by aliens?!  All This Has Happened Before and All This Will Happen Again!

battlestar galactica, stargate

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