Nov 12, 2011 09:05
I've things I want to do be done with today. Perhaps I'll be able to cross a few things off the Ta Dah! list.
Right now, Rumble is dreaming on the sofa. Last night on our evening walk - there were things that went bump and made both of us jump. We've heard coyotes around town so there is some basis for being a little wary I suppose... not that they would mess with me or my 100 lb puppy. Still. neighbor's teeny tiny kittens from earlier this year aren't so tiny anymore but one of them is fearless and comes running right up to Rumble and me. It is an adorable little beasty full of kitten purr and play. They sniffed noses and then it ran off and went up our front yard tree. Cute beyond words, Rumble sat his butt down and stared at it - I'm sure wishing he could climb the tree too.
Yesterday I was raking leaves and Rylee (neighbor 6 year old) came over and said "Beth! I can help you, we have a rake." In the breathless voice of a kid that ran from next door. Cool with me so he got a rake and helped me pick up leaves and fill a bag full. He mostly wanted the leaves so he could ride his bike through them and drive his 4 wheeler over them but... like I care why they are not in my yard. I gave him a dollar for helping me and he thought that was the coolest. Then he told me that the tooth fairy gave him $5 for his tooth that fell out yesterday. Inflation has hit everywhere. We got a quarter in my house growing up. So, Rylee is down to one front tooth and the other is loose. He will be a gap toothed boy in the holiday pictures this year. Cutie pie. He is busy building a 'robot' in his garage. I gave him an old fan of ours that does work for parts. I came across an old toy of mine yesterday in my basement excavation (am almost done going through all the assorted stuff we've accumulated in this house in the 17 years we've lived here) This toy no longer works but I once loved it. It was an electronic thing that beeped and lit up. It has 12 squares and played a bunch of games. I am sure there are lots of 'robot' parts in it and if nothing else the light up squares would look cool.
Also came across a letter I got many years ago from a friend who wasn't a good friend to me. In the letter, she said she was sorry for being a bad friend and hurting me. For many, many years I wasn't ready to accept that apology. I think that I am finally ready. I am letting it go. So, TLL, I forgive you. I'm tired of holding on to old bruises and that one lingers on because I run across traces of her often. We were BFF for 15 years so it would be impossible to not see something now and again that reminds me of her. It is unlikely that we would ever be friends again. Time and distance would make that difficult she doesn't even need to know that I've set down my grudge and walked away from it. If we ever talk again, maybe I'll tell her.
Lingering side effects from brain tumor treatment... am emotional more than I used to be. Am irrationally cranky today. Have nothing in particular to be prickly about but there it is. Sometimes I cry for no reason. That may be a blessing since I tend to hold things in and it's probably better for it to come out, even if I'd rather it not. The cranky for no reason seems to last longer than the sad for no reason. I don't enjoy not being in control of my emotions. Am still having seizures sometimes. Still get tired easy. Am working on building my stamina up, is slow going. Have unexplained joint pain. Not severe but enough to be noticeable and annoying. Will be tested for RA at some point. Doc at Mayo thought it would be worth checking out. I wanted to blame Temodar but, the doctors say probably not. And probably not Keppra - that would have been easier if it was just meds.
Tomorrow the hubster and I are going to visit my nephew in his new house and deliver a house warming gift of a small deep freeze that we aquired and don't need or use. He can use it he said so - perfect! Am looking forward to seeing the kid. (he's not a kid, not really, but always will be to me)
This afternoon is supposed to be nice outside - sunny and around 60 degrees. We are planning on an adventure with the puppy. Currently since both hubster and pupster are sleeping - I don't know if that adventure will happen or not. Not far from our house is a wooded trail that we enjoy. The Jaguar trail to be specific (it is adjacent to the school, home of the Jaguars! Go Jags!!)