FINALS!! + The L'Arc 30-Day Challenge -- Day 13

Apr 29, 2012 22:59

   Alright, here come the finals! BRING IT! >:3

So my first two exams are tomorrow, the first at noon and the second at 2:30. I'm nervous but also excited to be getting them out of the way.

I know a lot of you are also having finals this week and next, so this tanuki wishes all of you the best of luck!

I'm sure you've all been studying hard for finals, right? Like maniacs? 
Who me? Er, of course I've been studying --every single day, in fact *lies*

...Okay, so they don't call me "Last-minute Lynny" for nuthin'... >.< I tend to do a lot of cramming. I know it's totally not good to do that, but it's actually quite effective because I work best under pressure and I remember things better when I'm studying all the information at once. It seems to be less effective for me to spread out studying throughout the weeks, I don't know why, it's weird. But then again I'm weird, soo...yeah. X)

Alrighty guys, work hard! I'll be sending plenty of good luck your way! Don't forget that you need to eat and sleep every once in a while! :)

Challenge time!

Click << here>> for the entries for Day 1 to Day 7

Click << here>> for the entries for Day 8 to Day 11

Day 12 - A song you don't like from them
Hah! I've prepared myself for this one, and I already know the answer to this question. It may sound shocking, but I don't have much difficulty in answering this question. It's waaay easier for me to pick a least favorite than it is to pick a favorite, because there aren't many songs I don't like from them. Less to choose from, see? The songs I don't like from this band is between L'heure and Good-morning Hide. I don't like L'heure very much because there's no hyde in it, just a conversation in French, and that annoys me ( Sure, songs like Larva don't have hyde in it, but it's not supposed to -- it's a transition song into Butterfly's Sleep). But I really don't like Good-morning Hide because, since English is my first language and all, I don't appreciate it when English lyrics are sung in a way that doesn't seem very...well...organized. The flow could be much better, but the problem of the flow doesn't come from the singing --it's really from the lyrics. I can say that I hate the lyrics and still say that I love ALL of the lyrics hyde writes, because in fact it was Sakurawho wrote the lyrics to this song, not hyde. This would explain why the lyrics just don't sit well with me with this song. Although I can appreciate the sentiment behind Sakura's writing of this song for our dear Hide, he just...didn't do a very good job of writing it (Sorry, Sa-chan >.<). hyde writes much better, he's never had any problems with the flow of an English song that I can think of. So yeah, that's my answer to this questions.

...Hah, can't wait to hear everybody else's response to this question once it's their turn to answer XD

Day 13 - Your favorite PV
Hmmm, my favorite PV from them...well, it'd definitely be between Blurry Eyes, Link, Good Luck My Way, Jojoushi, and Snow Drop. I actually really like all of their PVs, but for some reason or another these five stuck out for me and I'm trying to remember why...

Well, Blurry Eyes was the first PV I ever saw by them, so of course it's special to me in that regard. It was what led me to fall in love with this fantastic band in the first place. And I love the PV for Link a whole lot because I love the song a whole lot and I felt that the PV went along well with the song.Yes, and also because I love seeing hyde in a mohawk X) And of course Good Luck My Way is very special to me as well. I really liked all the slow-mo parts they used in the PV and how all the colors got brighter and happier at the last part. And I LOVED the boys' hair and outfits in this, they made me very happy. And I really, really loved the PV for Jojoushi (Joujoushi? Jyoujoushi?? Jyoujyoushi???), all the artwork and pictures coming to life and the members standing inside them, and how it seems like each of them is conveying their love to the other members of the band. I really loved how beautiful the concept is.

...But I think I'm going to go with Snow Drop for this. Because I love everything about that cute little song and its cute little PV. And I also thought that cute little blond hyde was the cutest thing EVAR when I first saw his cuteness during that time period. His hair looked to very soft and fluffy and his eyes were so big and round, and he looked so sweet and innocent. So adorable! I just wanna huggle him:)
 ...Oh, and the PV also seemed to fit well with the song itself as well  X)
Yeah, after I saw this PV I became very obsessed with this cute little version of hyde. You don't even wanna know how many times I watched his adorable karaoke to Careless Whisper back then. And all because I thought he was so damn cute :D

Still to come:

Day 14 - Your favorite Album 
Day 15 - Your favorite song from Dune 
Day 16 - Your favorite song from Tierra 
Day 17 - Your favorite song from Heavenly 
Day 18 - Your favorite song from True 
Day 19 - Your favorite song from Heart 
Day 20 - Your favorite song from Ark 
Day 21 - Your favorite song from Ray 
Day 22 - Your favorite song from Real 
Day 23 - Your favorite song from Smile 
Day 24 - Your favorite song from Awake 
Day 25 - Your favorite song from Kiss 
Day 26 - Your favorite B-side 
Day 27 - Your favorite P’Unk~en~Ciel’s song 
Day 28 - Some goods you own 
Day 29 - A cover by yourself 
Day 30 - Your “all time” favorite song

l'arc~en~ciel, fangirling, tumblr challenges, hyde

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