So some of these are a bit late, but I never got around to uploading photos from my camera to my computer until tonight, so below are a couple of photos of me and my "little sis" Em (
cat_licker) and I hanging out last night and today, as well as photos from my trip to New Zealand... and a photos of me with
learn_to_dream and
redtexta the other morning just before they headed back to Melbourne...
I'm not putting these behind a cut because there are only a handful, and if I am not important enough for you to use a meg of downloads to look at my pics, well screw you :)
Emily and I hanging out last night.
Emily and I on the ferry this afternoon back from Manly.
Me looking blah (LoL)
Laura, me and Heidi just before they left (at like 7am *yawn*)
Hanging with my penpal of 10 years,
magicmarkerlove at KFC in Queenstown!
It was kinda weird and cool at the same time, meeting Amy after 10 years!
Cyndi the snowbunny, hitting the (very small) slopes!
Pulling a cheesy grin while riding a gondola to the top of a mountain in Queenstown!
Chillin' in Starbucks with a MASSIVE Hot Chocolate