gripe, gripe, gripe.

Feb 01, 2006 20:33

So I just finished reading Dry by Augusten Burroughs, which is a sequel of sorts to Running with Scissors, one of my favorite books, and a fairly good rehab memoir that has yet to be completely discredited.

Anyway, so he comes home from rehab to realize that his apartment is completely disgusting. Mainly because he had been too drunk to care any time in the past months, but also because it was full of hundreds of empty liquor bottles that he had been too lazy and ashamed to take out to the trash and that fruit flies had taken over the place, buzzing around the mouths of the bottles.

Why does this remind me of my own living situation? Ok, this is my rant-time. I love my roommates, and though we're not best friends or anything, I think that I got put into a fairly decent situation considering that I am living with 3 people whom I had never even met until the day that I moved in. That said, I am a little frustrated with their dirtiness. I'm not talking "mess." Clothes on the couch, books on the floor, that stuff doesn't bother me so much. I'm talking dirty. A sink full of dishes that is not touched for a week. This has happened before and usually, I just get sick of it and wash them myself. This time, though, I steeled myself, and refused to touch them, especially since none of them were mine. But when the fruit flies popped up, I had to do it. I cannot live in a place that would be shut down by the board of health, were it a public place. The sad thing, this is not the first time it's happened. They've buzzed around the disaster of dirty dishes in the sink before. Ugh. This and the inability to take out the trash. If you have to set up a bag of new trash next to the already full trash can, why don't you just walk it down the hall?

Now, my roommate's finally back and though we get along, all of her make-up is already over the bathroom counter, and the room is already filled with her smell. Now don't get me wrong, she doesn't smell bad or gross like my freshman year roomie, it's just her smell..and I don't like it. It's almost sort of dusty? I don't know. All I know is it penetrates the room.

Oh yeah, I think a spider or something bit me on my nose. We've had a few before and I can kill them (they are not my archenemies like every roach that has ever lived), and I know you can't really exterminate spiders so as long as they stay unseen until they are against a blank background where I can easily smash and kill them, fine. But biting me is so not ok. It hurts. And I have a big red spot on my nose. Of all days when I was going to start making my moves on the Swiss Mister.
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