Jun 04, 2008 15:37
I graduate in a week and a half . . . yes, I repeat, a week and a half. How the heck did that happen?
I just realized that I took my last quiz/test/exam ever in college this morning in Physics. It wasn't that great, but Professor Cook already said he's throw out the lowest quiz score, and I did fine on the other two. I'm doing just fine in that class . . . who would've thought that was possible? (I've even considered taking the S/U off because it might actually raise my GPA . . . haha that makes me laugh a bit. But we'll have to see how the paper turns out).
I have exactly two things left to do (okay well, maybe three): Physics problem set due Saturday that I haven't started yet but am not really worried about. Capstone Presentation Saturday afternoon (Science Hall 102 at 1:30pm-please come!), and resulting paper that's done and edited and just needs a final tweaking. I get one more 'practice run' on my presentation tomorrow . . . and hopefully Ansfield finds a stool for me, otherwise I'll be resting my chin on the podium (no joke!)
But, after Saturday's presentation, I'm DONE! I don't think it's fully hit me yet, but it's starting too. Soo crazy. That means finals week I just get to relax, hang out with people and have fun (oh, and pack. But meh to that.)
I'm sure I'll have more profound thoughts to say about graduation sometime in the near future, but it hasn't hit me enough yet to want to sit down and put it all out there. I'm sure the time will come, though. For now, I'm celebrating my (almost) freedom.
And now, I'm off to hear about FAST CARS. Nono, not the motorized vehicles, the lasers. :P