You guys. So, I'm a little obsessed with
Mod Cloth, and, as I repeatedly hit the refresh button on their
New Arrivals page today, up popped this dress:
And I know that it's not exactly (or even really very much) like the dress Cecilia (as played by
Keira Knightley) wears in Atonement, but the color and the draping and I want.
I want I want.
What articles of clothing from movies do you want for your wardrobe? Share photos, please.
I was long obsessed with Rose's party dress from Titanic. Oh, the shimmering layers! I used to own a skirt of the same color and overlay... like, in 2000. Whatever happened to that? Anyway, her wardrobe is fabulous throughout this movie.
Eliza's gown in My Fair Lady. My girlhood dream dress until I grew up to have an hourglass figure, which does not mix with the Empire style above. Oops.
I know I've talked about this with
beloved_tree. Belle's winter coat/shawl/thing. I will not rest until I have the means and occasion to wear this. And it will not look like a cartoon. It will look awesome.
Uma Thurman as Mia Wallace in Pulp Fiction. So sleek smart and cool in just a crisp white shirt and black pants. Even after the OD, I kind of want to be her.
Enough for now, right? I want to see yours! Pics or it didn't happen.