Valentine's Days is just around the bend, but America's still looking for someone to Be Hers. OR to be her Commerce Secretary at least, because
as NPR tells us, Senator Gregg has withdrawn his nomination for the post.
Sen. Gregg claims "irreconcilable differences" with President Obama. "It wasn't a good fit," he said. America must be wanting some crazy things from him in bed.
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs released a statement saying, "We regret that he has had a change of heart." This suggests that Gregg dumped them and not the other way around, unless Gibbs is lying. If they didn't force Sen. Gregg into a withdrawal, then that man sucks. He and I are fucking done professionally. Listen, Gregg. I don't care if you didn't find a Love Connection at the White House. When the president asks you to serve, you fucking serve. No isn't really an option here. Remember "I serve at the pleasure of the president"? (Thanks, Colin Powell/The West Wing).
Oh, no. I feel a patriotic rage coming on. I'd better stop so that I make it to my katakana flashcard quiz on time.