Aug 19, 2007 21:33
I never write in here! I really should. I have a lot of free time to be honest.
Have you ever gone a whole day cleaning and doing errands to realize you have not spoken aloud in over 24 hours? Anytime I realize this, I start talking aloud to myself about how I have not talked and I talk a lot on a regular basis.
This weekend was okay, I think this hot weather has made things not nearly as exciting. I'm ready for field days, tree climbing, picnics, more biking, skating, salsa night (its outside), and slightly cooler weather. Summer has been okay so far, no complaints its just quieter compared to the rest of the year. Kansas City is not a college town by any means, but it sure feels like it when you are 22.
The summer has included a lot of swimming, which I'm very happy about. If you saw my swimsuit you would understand even better. Let me try: its a brown one piece with gold leafing, halter top half, one strip down the middle that connects the normal looking bottoms. A gold chain that runs around the natural waist area and ties in back. Its so tacky and I love it. Plus, I have a really amusing tan line from it.
I got to hang out with Elaine 3 weekends in a row, that was amazing. Drove down to Columbia for a night, she came up for a night before flying to Cali, and then drove her back from the airport to my place the next week. Great great and great. I would like to visit Columbia again soon, only it would be nice to see Elliot (*ahem*) and Elizabeth (cough) who were both unavailable or out of town. :)
Ferdnando gets back tommorow and as I read in my previous entry - the distance did not "help". I still am enthused about him and I think things will be good. We have kept in touch, talking just about every other day and for long periods the last couple of weeks. He is excited to come back and has admitted quite a few times he missed me.
He keeps encouraging me to change my myspace and be one of those sappy people that say in their "who I'd like to meet" - "I've already met everyone I want to meet...(insert picture of boyfriend/girlfriend here)" and then him leave his confusing myspace and "swinger" status. We are also talking about the guy who wants me to welcome him back with bread pudding. Either way, I'm ready to have my friend back so we can try to push each other into the woods while going on adventures on the weekends.
Plus, we might be taking a trip to Seattle! :) Either way, I'm going to my Grandma's in Alabama and then I may take a trip to Santa Barbara to visit Catherine and Alex.
Trips on the horizon, thank goodness. Bye for now.