
Apr 23, 2009 10:29

i made up my own verb: lawnning. to work on one's lawn.

i'm fairly surprised i haven't been toling away on my journal lately since i have what, about 16 hours a day to kill with nothing really to do but clean and surf the internet. i would say watch tv but almost everyone has gone digital now and i still haven't received my coupon for a converter box in the mail yet. ali's getting a bath almost everyday and we go outside together, she on her leash, carefully tied around a ring on the front porch. she is beginning to love her outdoor time with mumma! today she will have a lot since we have a lot to do.

tad took my mower blade off my mower and sharpened it, and then taught me how to drain my oil and replace it with new oil. he saved me $46 so he's my new best friend. anyway, now my mower is set to go for the summer and i got my edger out so i'm all set. today i'm going to mow and edge, last night i think i was giddy before i fell asleep. i don't know if it's so much the actual task or having a reason to get up in the morning.

my mom came over the day before yesterday to help me do some yardwork. i thought we'd just be cleaning up dog crap and getting rid of the old leaves that had fallen in the northeast corner of the backyard but she was more into the SHOVELING ROCKS and ripping out old weed guard. yesterday i couldn't even go to the lake because i was so sore. my back, my knees, my arms, everything. it hurt to shower!!

i still haven't figured out twitter.

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