Apr 15, 2007 22:14
What the hell? It's friggin' freezing outside. The weather seriously needs to make up it's mind. Warm one day, cold as hell the next, insane tells ya! So I am lying in bed all bundled up with my laptop, while watching Law And Order and buggin' Jeanne while she is doing her homework..good times. I quickly found out that poetry just isn't my thing. Sure, I can follow forms, keep meter and rhyme, but I lack the actual ability to articulate myself. I can visualize what I want to say, but that is about the extent of it. Maybe I will post a couple one day and you can see what I mean, yuck!
The podcasting is going well I think. We have a nice listener-ship and getting some good feedback. I honestly never thought we would have 30+ shows under our belt by now, but we do, and I think it sounds good. For those of you that don't know, Laura and I do a weekly podcast about Rocky Horror. Of course, like Rocky Horror, the subject takes wide turns and we talk about other things...hilarity ensues. So if you haven't heard it yet, check it out and et me know what ya think.
School is going ok. Creative Writing matched with a Bacterial Diseases class sure makes for an interesting session, lol. I am going to take the summer session off to relax, Only have a couple of classes left, but the financial aid won't cover the summer session, and I gots to pay the rent, yo!
We have a co-worker in the hospitol right now. No idea what's going on though. She called and left a message for me to call her, but her phone was prolly bought at Big Lots or something, cause it is ringing as busy all the time. I hope she is ok, but she has been there since Wednesday or Thursday.
I know there is something else I wanna type but can't remember what...but boy, would I like some ice cream right about now. Baskin Robbins needs to deliver!