(no subject)

Jan 14, 2005 12:18

last kiss: last night
last cigarette: like a year ago...?
last good cry: When I broke up with Charles the first time.
last library book checked out: Ummm... no clue
last movie seen in a theatre: White Noise
last cuss word uttered: fucker (talking about Archie)
last beverage drank: Diet Dr. Pepper
last food consumed: Apple and peanut butter
last phone call: Beauzy last night
last tv show watched: Friends on DVD
last shoes worn: tan AE flip flops
last cd played: Dave Matthews Band- Everyday
last item bought: Fake eyelashes
last thing downloaded: Like Toy Soldiers by Eminem
last annoyance: I think we all know the answer to this... starts with an A... ends with a Rchie
last disappointment: Brenna moving back to Cali
last soda drank: Diet Dr. Pepper
last ice cream eaten: Probably Vanilla frozen yogurt from TCBY... last time I went with Dani
last time trippin on drugs?: Proudly, its been over 15 months!
last time in love: I am now!
last time hugged: Today
last shirt worn: Cleveland Indians.. (GO TRIBE)
last time dancing: umm like a minute ago... do I ever STOP dancing?
1 MINUTE AGO: Talking to my Grandma
1 HOUR AGO: Taking a chemistry test
1 DAY AGO: getting ready for work
1. What do you most like about your body? My eyes
2. And least? everything else
3. How many fillings do you have? Well not really fillings, but I chipped my tooth in 3rd grade and its filled, so actually I guess it is a filling.
4. Do you think you're good looking? sometimes cute... but never omg amazing or anything
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? Yeah


First job: American Eagle
first screen name: LauraH7601
First funeral: My grandad
First pet: A kittys, Spike and Tony
First piercing: my ears when I was 5
First Kiss: First real kiss... summer before 8th grade... with Jordan Litt
First Lust: Chad Carpenter.... 6th grade baby!
First love: Beau Robert Bailey
First enemy: Margaret Harbison... my BFF in 4th grade/WANT TO KILL HER
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