Countdown Created by
andy and taken 4754 times on
bzoink!::15 Random Favorites::1sparkles2dance3REAL christmas trees4music5purple6henry7sunsets8fall air9the first snow / big storms10the smell of the ocean11lilacs12dance shoes13turtles14dream catchers 15shooting stars::14 Favorite Foods::1roast beef2rice pilaf3corn on the cob4mac and cheese5chicken noodle soup6ritz crackers7milano cookies8brownies9steak10the white rice andrew makes11chicken ceasar salad12turkey samiches from freedom house13trident gum14mint chocolate chip ice cream::13 Most Watched Shows::1full house2gilmore girls3friends4who's line is it anyway5everybody loves raymond6will and grace 7dawsons creek8lizzie maguire9kim possible10sex in the city11boy meets world12the news for school closings13pats games::12 Good Bands in your Opinion::1peter paul and mary2dispatch3ellis paul4the beatles5maroon 56pat mcgee band7crosby, stills, nash and young8barenaked ladies9five o'clock shadow10nickel creek11goo goo dolls12simon and garfunkle::11 Memories::1senior year of high school2senior year of college3last show with the studio of dance arts4interview at NH Academie of Dance5swimming at WTCSR6finding nemo7nana's funeral 8camp evergreen summers9mike's last day at camp party10kris's 21sst birthday in TH60411peeing in emily's backyard::10 Close Friends::1emily2andrew3blythe4dan5adam6kiran7blinn8court9joelle10bonnay::09 Things you're looking forward to::1NHAD recital2NHAD competition3seeing andrew4seeing emi5ellis paul's new cd6summer camp7valentines day surprise8getting a job9playing in the snow::08 Things you wear daily::1shirt2pants3undergarmets4rings5socks6cartiledge earing7ballerina necklace / masks necklace8watch::07 Things That Annoy You::1people talking when i'm talking2people who don't use their blinker when driving3when the pages of books are dog eared4when i can't do something i should be able to do5nagging6when people don't recognize i'm good at something7the massachusetts teachers test::06 Things You Touch Everyday::1my hair2my computer3dance stuff4cds5tv6pencils::05 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over::1bed of roses2sabrina3when harry met sally4the little mermaid5center stage::04 Of Your Favorite Childhood Toys::1my little ponies2barbies3legos4bert::03 People You Have Kissed::1andrew2dan3emi::02 Of Your Favorite Songs::1leaving on a jet plane- peter paul and mary2i am a lighthouse - nickel creek::01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With::1bert
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