[[Filtered to first-years, especially Ravenclaws]]
..Hey. If you want to watch Quidditch, ask a captain first or wait for the games. You're losing sleep and annoying the other teams.
*thinks for a longer moment than is usual for him, then messily strikes out that one line because he's not about to tell the firsties when Ravenclaw's team is practicing, and doubts any of the other captains would appreciate that kind of thing either*
[[Filtered to Ravenclaw Quidditch team]]
If anybody tries to tell you what the other teams are doing, ignore it. We'll get better than them by being better.
Practice Tuesday at six, and extra tactics practice over the lake on Wednesday since somebody keeps booking the pitch.
Im, if you do that again, you get to sleep in the common room. How could you the rest of you sleep through that.
[[Feel free to notice that Toshiro is trying to tough out a bad case of no sleep. The sixth year dorm was probably not the best place to live during the ~tournament~.]]