Nov 15, 2009 19:18
So wow its been a long time since I updated, but I have reasons there just not very good ones.
First I am LAME this is undeniable now wow I suck. Two, we were showing at an indoor tournement which meant starting at 6am(or earlier) and then not finishing till 10pm or so, what fun. And thirdly because I was so run down on the 14 days in a row of afformented hours I then caught the flu which made me want to die, so I just took cold and flu medication and pass out instead, same difference.
So I am back and will hopefully be spamming with a pretty picture like update on my life and a talky pictury chat about my two favourite new shows, Glee (dah!) and Legend of the Seeker (btw why did I not know about this show earlier, it is very pretty!)
As watched the new Star Trek Movie the other day, I really loved it, and I have never watch Star Trek before and still don't know if I will but I like J.J. Abrams version though I would probably watch that man version of a shoe I love him!