
Jun 01, 2004 19:38

Even while chewing on a cookie and possibly sporting garlic-breath, Randy is still indescribably hot, perhaps even moreso. (And Gale makes the best sex noises ever. EVA. But I digress.) Oh, to be a fortune cookie, inside Randy's mouth and then smeared down Gale's neck... GUH.

But, and this is my segue into a UFO (Unpopular Fandom Opinion - *snorts*. Did I just make up my very own acronym?), Randy doesn't always do it for me. There have been times when I have found him less than attractive. Less. Than. Now, before y'all sharpen your daggers, I'm not saying the boy's ugly, far from it. But I *am* saying that at certain times - mid-Season 1 (110-112 comes to mind), and late-Season 2 (219-220) - he just looked kinda, ordinary. (Was it the hair? The make-up? Was he just exhausted from fucking Gale into the wee hours of the morning??)

But then, come Season 3, he was back to being beautiful again, and I mean *beautiful*. Breathtaking even. But it was a feminine type beauty, you know??
HOWEVER. Randy in Season 4? Like, um, right now??
Yeah. That about sums it up. :"> HE IS A SPUNK-RAT.

The workplace is not really the appropriate venue to use phrases/terms such as "rip you a new asshole", "twat", "low-hangers", or "commando", and yet I've used them all today. If an old overweight guy comes in for a routine medical I really think he should have the decency to tell me that he's not wearing underwear, because, yeah. Some shocks are really not pleasant. :|

Incest is bad. Of course it is. But fiction, and let me repeat that - FICTION, involving incest or allusions to it, especially when it's written with tongue-set-firmly-in-cheek, is apparently OK with me. Does that make me liberal? Or conservative. Way-cool? Or just dirty and immoral. :-? And who the fuck really knows anymore?? I mean, I've shipped a 16 yr old girl with a 200+ yr old vampire, a 17 yr old virginal boy with a 29 yr old sexual predator, and will soon be shipping a married-with-kids lawyer and a freakin' serial killer for fuck's sake. None of these relationships would be considered "healthy". So, you know, bring on the grey.

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind may have replaced Lost In Translation as my new favourite movie. 'Cause yeah. Zany, wired characters, frightening instant-mix chemistry, bizarre brain manipulations, and Love. Sweet, sweet love.

Oh, and check out alendilmoon's LJ for the most bootiful recap of the B/J arc in 407.
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