(no subject)

Apr 01, 2004 10:11

The first episode of the L Word was... huh. There was more screen time devoted to het-sex than gay-sex... That doesn't seem right. And Shane has run off with Jodie Foster's vocal cords.

Random reccage:

If you haven't read mojokitten's RPS yet, and you're into RPS, go read it, right the fuck now. I'm serious, it's fantastic.

Three Cigarettes to Smoke My Tears Away.

If RPS isn't your thing, she also wrote a lovely snippet on the B/J/M triangle. Relics.

Also, if you're not reading thefabtwelve you're missing out. Whoever plays the role of Michael has me giggling like a granny at a strip joint...

I was rewatching early Season 3 the other night, in particular the flashback scenes in 301. It is possible that there is a pimple on Randy's ass when they're fucking on the bed. It's possible. All I'm sayin'.

ETA: RPS is f-locked. But I'm sure she'll let you see if you drop a note. Alternatively, try it here.
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