
Feb 19, 2007 17:13

So, I made it through everything, and now feel much better. I was actually looking for some hw to do during the slow part of yesterday's daytona 500, and couldn't find any. So i just cross-stitched instead. My little goldfish are so pretty!!!!!

But I am getting ahead of myself: who wants to hear about my way cool, awesome, weekend!!!!? Mom, you are not allowed to listen, bc I already told you!

Friday: Left Boone around 5:30 to go to Raliegh. We had a caravan. Dru, Davis, and Perko rode in Dru's jeep, Matthew rode with me. Isn't he sweet, he rode with me instead of riding with his buddies(shut up, i have to get corny at some point). Why, you might be wondering, were we going? Well, it was Matthew's Grandparent's 50th wedding annivesary, and his household was the one hosting the party. So we got to his house about 9,just about when everyone else did. And I mean, like, 60 people. We all kinda wandered in, seeing his house-first time i have seen the new home-,meeting people, and catching up with those we (or I guess just me) already knew. Then, everyone headed into the garage, where his grandparents were dressed up and sitting on this little stage. They had this nice handmade sign and everything. The priest (they are catholic) said some stuff, and then everyone in the room put this root mix on the couple's faces. It is this plant that is supposed to really good for your skin. It kinda looked like mashed sweet potatoes. After you put some cream on their face, you got to feed them. Choices included things like grapes, oranges, cheese cubes, etc. I, of course, gave them cheese cubes. It was really quite the interesting way to meet someone's grandparents, by the way. Then we partied somemore, I got some henna, and went to bed at like, 2.

Saturday: Woke up before the guys, as always, and spent some time playing with Matt's sister shimmee and some of the other younger kids. I had this one guy, Ronald, convinced I was a psychic and had visions just like Raven on the Disney show, "That's so Raven." Then Matt woke up, so he took me down to the garage to show me what was going on. His dad and about 4 other uncles were cooking, bayou style. I mean, they had two huge pots, bought from resturants, on top of propane tank burners. I mean, each pot had it's own propane tank. In one tank was chicken and rice, and the other had goat. By the way, they stirred with boat paddles.

okay, someone just called, and i have to go, be back to finish later.
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