Slice and dice

Mar 04, 2006 15:03

So, Bio lab this week was freakin' awesome, because we played with a dogfish shark. I heart sharks. This was the first real "live" one I ever got a good look at, because the others have been on a fishing line, alive, which makes them hard to poke witha scapel.

I cannot wait for the end of next week, because that means spring break. I have 3 tests coming up, which is tons better than many of my associates, some of whom, like Beefy, have 5 midterms in 3 days.

Wed. night, I HAD to go to a astronomy lecture for Bio. Space has nothing to do with Biology. But, my Professor is one of those political types who things everyone should think like he does, and won't even consider any one else. But, he is a decent teacher, and my bio grade this semester is a good 30 points higher than last semester. Anyway, we learned about dark matter and dark energy and Einstien. I do, enjoy Einstien, cool guy, or maybe that is just the Mental_Floss in me speaking. But oooohhhhheeeeeeoooohhhheeeee, Dark energy makes up like 73% of space, and we know nothing about it. Atoms, or matter (us) makes up 4%. and that is the only part we begin to understand. So, any of you who want to discover stuff, get into astronomy, becuase there is a lot left. But, unfortuanely, I think you have to be smart, and be able to do math, and stuff...

No Cup race this weekend, but the Busch guys are in Mexico City, which is exciting for me. Two of my favorite things, NASCAR and speaking Spanish come together. Mikey is in the race this year, so I will have the chance to cheer for him. Either him or one of the natives. Go guys, represent!!!!

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