(no subject)

May 15, 2006 10:56

Yesterday was as hot as hell and today is going to be even hotter. I went to the river with Mickey for the first time this year. We got a little drunk and made a rock wall and had sex in the bushes. I tried to paint my nails and failed miserably. Our friend Jeff met up with us to enjoy the sun and the heat. Around three or so we go to leave and get some beers when we run into a crowd of dickless wonders that are part of the clackamas crowd. They gave us beer and mickey talked to his mommy all drunk. It was probably better that way. SO not long after we make ourselved comfortable there Christina comes by with a back pack full of liquor and pepsi. Theres not too much that I can say after that. Just drunken everything. I hate boys that hide there insecruities by hitting on women, girls..whatever, and infront of my boyfriend. I'm glad Mickey isn't an angry drunk that likes to hit people. We spent a total of 6 hours there and I didn't get burned at all. Accept for my cheeks. All in all it was a great first river trip of the season. Mickey and I called a bunch of people to come with us but nobody came...there loss I say. After the river and me sobering up a wee bit. We stopped at Fredy's and got more beer. This is where I should have realized that I reeealy didn't need to drink anymore. Soo we went back to Mickey's appt. and DRANK. I'm pretty sure that I out drank Mickey and Jeff, not combined though, I don't have enough body mass for that. David Stephens came by because he is in town and I can't even remember who was there, by the time that everyone came over and jeff and Mickey came back from picking people up I had finished every drop of beer from every beer can that was in the 12 pack that we bought. I didn't drink all of the beer, but I guess I did my damndest to try. I'm an all or nothing kind of girl. And looking back on last night I'm sure that I was really fucking annoying to everyone else that was sober. I mean I could hardly talk, I was that fucked up. I don't think that I have been that dunk in a long time. Okay well it was the first time that I have been that drunk and not been prying to the porcelin gods. I was still able to sort\of walk and talk. I partied all fucking day...I'm glad that I don't like to do that very often. Usualy I only let loose like that on special occations like Chrismas, St. Patricks, Birthdays and concerts. I passed out in mickeys bed and got up at 5am realizing that I told my dad that I would be comming home. Still drunk (though considerable less then five house ago) I drove home to find my dad walking around in his underwear fiddleing with the thermasdat. He makes a great old man. I was worried about what he would say, or if he would be mad, but he didn't have much reaction. I don't think that he knew that I wasn't home yet. Parents are like spiders and wild animals, they are more afraid of us then we are of them. I think that he must have been mad, but he might have just been too timid and uhm...scard that would say the wrong thing...he knows that I have a mouth on me and that I don't back down when we argue. I don't know, I guess that I am older now and he knows that I am very strong willed and will always do what I am going to do.

SO I think that I am still a little bit drunk... What do you think?
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