Jul 31, 2007 04:27
I'm on the last episode right now. And it is currently 4:30. alsdkjfaslkfjasd. I stayed up so late just to finish watching this. However, I'm only 4 minutes in and it seems like I'll totally be sleeping at 5:30 tonight. ~_~;; But fudge. If someone had just told me this had involved classical music, I'd've been here in a second. a;lskdjfalskjdf. I don't advertise this, but I totally am a classical music geek. @.@ as;ldkfjasdf. It's all attached to my past of piano playing and all I could think was that I totally want to play the piano again. asl;dfkjasdf.
Yes. That is my first thought. With the hotness that is Chiaki and the win that is Eita (yes, I AM SUCCUMBING TO THE POWER OF EITA. DARN HIM. REPEATED EXPOSURE, HOW CAN ONE RESIST?!), I first think about how rocking all this classical music is. FTW.FTWFTWFTW!!!! asl;dfkjasflkajsf. I am dying. I just love classical music. I recognized most of the songs that were played and just, wow. The hands. Whoever they hired to play the songs (multiple ppl I'd assume) were just so amazing. AMAZING. adsl;kjasfdljasdf. Gawd, how many times have I keyboard smashed just on the frigging music? WTF. ~_~;; Okay, I have shown a different side here. LOL.
Let's get back to flailing about the drama itself. OKAY. THIS IS JUST YES. AHAAHAHAHAHA. I think I have been laughing for most of it, but then there are those scenes where you're just clutching at your heart because it gets that emotionally driven. And just wth. asld;fjasf. Okay, this is getting lengthy and I'm not even finished watching yet. Gawd. But before I leave, Chiaki = WIN. Nodame = WIN. MINE = WINWINWIN!!!! (Okay, so my favorite is Mine because a;ldskjfasdlkfj he just rocks. ROCKSROCKSROCKS!! *beams*)
nodame cantabile,