There's nothing...

Jul 07, 2007 01:03 really do or talk about. I ish boring (again) as per usual. LOL.

- My best friend came over today! ^_^ She's been to the house about..., three times! Hehehe. I was a little sleepy though. XP Although that's mainly my own fault. But eh. I managed along. LOL. We saw Bridge to Terebithia which I had read as a child and had actually remembered its ending. Which means, I knew what would happen and I didn't tell her and well. Let's just say ...No, let's not say anything. We also saw most of Princess Bride which is one of my FAVORITE movies. Like seriously. I kinda love it. (And by kinda, I mean a lot. *laughs*) I couldn't believe it when she had told me that she had never seen it before, so of course that had to be ammended. (But then time got away from us. We ate lunch, went to the park where I killed my feet with my shoes and by the time we got home, my dad was preparing to leave for the city and well, yeah. *Sad*)

- HARRY POTTER NEXT WEEK. Oh, gawd. I can't explain how excited I am. I've gone to see these movies the day they've come out since... the second? Whatever. I'm going to go see it with my best friend and two other friends and I am PUMPED. as;ldkfjalsfdj And then the week after. Oh gawd. I don't know if I can take this. @.@

- Um. For the first time in a long time, I actually don't have anything to time. Until about 10 minutes ago when I signed up for a PV out of sheer boredom. Am I pathetic, or WHAT?

- I don't think I talked about this really creepy dream that I had. It was awkward and strange and involved my grandmother locking me and my two older sisters into our old apartment's bathroom while she had a gun and threatened to shoot us if... *can vaguely remember* we, can't remember at all. I just remember that and tackling her in the end and trying to get the gun away and I ... think I got shot? Or did one of my sisters? ...I swear, it's just the weirdest thing ever.

- MEMES AGAIN. (I am really pathetic.)

Rhey. But are we really surprised about this? *coughs*

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Snagged from tsukizu.
Take it here.

This is curious. No seriously:

You are gentle, caring, quiet, dutiful, neat, dependable, modest, unassuming, and humble. You can be counted on to make sure everything is in its place, that people are doing what they’re supposed to be doing and all the supplies have been secured.
~ Honestly? That's what I'd like to be considered. Especially dependable. I want to be someone people can rely on. *laughs* So did I succeed? I have no idea. LOL. I am definitely not neat though. Just ask my mom.

You prefer to work behind the scenes, driven by a sense of obligation, often overworked for the benefit of others. You prefer tasks that are highly outlined, organized and practical. You fill your life with meaningful activities and schedule any down time. You enjoy helping any friend in need. You have a strong work ethic and can be critical of sloth, laziness and people who have possessions only through extreme indebtedness. All you’d like in return for all of your hard work is recognition and gratitude, neither of which you receive nearly in proportion to the effort and time you exert.
~ Ahaahah! So true. I do like to work behind the scenes. I do not know if I'm critical of sloth or laziness considering I am totally both 24/7.

One of your greatest strengths is supporting family or group activities. Your contribution of cooking, cleaning, fixing or constructing is an expression of your love and loyalty to everyone present, and such labor is truly a pleasure for you to fulfill.
~ Here's where it gets me wrong entirely. I do not cook/clean/fix/construct. At all. Give me a hammer, I'll throw it at your head. ...Okay, no. I'd probably hand it back to you and scoff in your face. But either way.

You were a model child. Relatively neat, sweet and conscientious, you were the child that every parent thinks they’re going to have. You may have openly disagreed or rebelled but if so it was short-lived and harmless and you were quick to accept the judgment of your parents along with any punishment they deemed reasonable.
~ Ugh. AKA, I was a goody two shoes. I know it. I accept it. It's the truth. I have since rebelled very often, but ...damn it, this thing has me all pegged. >< Although, they never punish. It's usually guilt. Ugh.

Parenting, for you, is a lifetime commitment. You are protective, supportive and patient, often putting your children’s needs before your own.
~ If ever I have kids. Yes.

You prefer not to make waves or attract too much individual attention. You go by the book and are suspicious of anyone suggesting that tried and true established methods should be revised or ignored.
~ Um. I go by the book most of the time. LOL. But I don't think I'd be suspicious of anyone that goes off it or tries to change it. That's just silly.

You have a strong appreciation for antiques, traditions and heirlooms. You have a natural appreciation for and connection with your past and the people in your family tree. You find special joy in guarding old family artifacts regardless of their monetary value.
~ I have no idea. Maybe?

You put a lot of energy into maintaining your home. You keep things tidy, visually appealing and in working condition. You make sure your home is always well stocked with food and supplies. You take better care of your possessions than most types, cleaning, oiling, maintaining things so that they will always be nice, maintain their value, and function when needed. You want things to be sturdy and may replace something which isn’t broken if, after acquiring it, you realize that it’s of the new, shabbier quality.
~ *laughing her ASS off* I'm sorry. Of everything here, this is the one that is least true. I would NEVER, EVER do that. I'd either get my sister to do it (since I room with her now) or you know, my parents. LOL. Or like... eat out all the time. Whatever. This is jsut wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

You may or may not be a pessimist, but your speech is laced with reminders to realistically expect problems to arise. You are aware of the general dangers of living and are conscious of the fact that other people don’t heed your warnings as often as they should. You are also the first to point out to someone who seems surprised that they should’ve known that setbacks would occur.
~ ...IDK, maybe?

In a marriage you are helpful and supportive of your spouse. You enjoy working on tasks together, or working on your specialties at the same time (one cooks while the other fixes the plumbing). As a parent you do all you can to ensure that your children are well behaved and hard working.
~ Considering how I'm not only not married but SINGLE, this does not apply. LOL. But I like the idea that I'm like that. Although neither of those specialities are mine. Mine would be, sits on ass in front of computer while other cooks, cleans, watches kids. There you go. I'd make a terrible wife as I'm sure you can tell.

....I feel like writing for once.

Written on the spot (which is really my excuse for any mistakes and incoherence.)
Shige watched from the doorway as Massu clasped his hands tightly, his head down and his body rigid. Shige licked at his lips uncomfortably, taking in a deep breath before walking into the room, slowly but surely. He holds out the can of tea that he had gone to buy for them and practically shoves it into Massu's vision.

With watery eyes, Massu looks up, his face pale and his hand shaky as it moves to grab the tea. Shige's sure that he wants to never see Massu look as vulnerable as he does at this moment. Shige can feel his legs threatening to crumble beneath him, but he stands his ground, mainly because he's just not sure he could even make it to the chair without collapsing onto the floor.

"He'll be fine," Shige says hoarsely, but the reaction on Massu's face isn't exactly what he wants, or expects.

Massu looks tired and worn out as he nods lightly. "I know," Massu replies softly.

"It's not your fault," Shige insists, his voice rising dramatically.

"I know," Massu says in return, dropping his head down to stare at the tea he had placed on the table.

"It's not your fault," Shige says again. He feels his head spinning as he can vaguely hear himself repeating the phrase over and over again.

"I know," Massu whispers, standing up to help Shige into a chair.

Shige's eyes are wide and brimming with tears. It's not his fault, Shige thinks as he feels Massu's warm and sturdy arms around his waist, leading him to a nearby chair, because it's mine.

Ugh. I knew it was going to be angsty, but not to this level. And who am I talking about? In my mind, it's Tegoshi, but take it like it is. XP

subbing, kato shigeaki, masuda takahisa, meme, dreams, movie, friends, fanfiction

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